Saturday, August 18, 2007

Dear American Dream

Dear American Dream-

First and foremost, I would like to thank you for all your hard work over the last 231 years. You have single handedly formed and molded the citizens of this great land to abide by simple rules to make the country a better place. You have given every child something to strive for. From the time we were tots we understood we would go to school, not do drugs, graduate from college, marry my college/high school sweetheart, get a job, quit my job a year later when I got pregnant and be a happy mother of 2.3 kids and a golden retriever in my 3 bed 2 bath house in my safe suburban neighborhood, all by the age of 25. You have provided this safe path and I am grateful you have set the guidelines so we know our course in life. Many of my dear friends have already completed this entire list and they say it is just as perfect as you have promised. I too look forward to one day checking off my to-do list of life just as you envisioned.

Today is not that day.

Today my age changes to one year older. I know you disapprove of me overlooking my list yet another year and I hope I have not disappointed you as a citizen. I have reviewed your list at great extent and although I appreciate the steps, I have decided it is not for me.
Not today.

Instead, today I will continue to be happy, healthy and loving life, but at my own pace.
Today I will keep working long, hard hours and enjoy the success at my career which I love. I will continue to act younger than my age, stay out too late, dance more, and laugh too loud. Today I probably won’t go on a date, but I will go on a long walk with a dear friend. I will skip lunch today and save the calories for a late night milk shake with my roommate. I will walk home instead of taking the subway so I can soak in this beautiful city I live in and smile at the characters I pass on the street. Today I will finally tip the old woman under the bridge that sings hymns loud enough to echo through the park. I will sit by myself at a cafĂ© and do nothing but enjoy my cup of coffee. I will listen more, remember more faces and be more observant. I will buy fresh flowers today and actually make time for the friend I have been putting off. I will watch less TV and replace it with knitting, cooking and reading. I will act like a tourist and take lots of pictures as I stroll through a new museum. I will go on a longer jog and show off my curvy figure in an expensive dress I worked hard for.

Today I won’t get married, I won’t have a baby, I won’t buy a house, dog or car. But I will continue to be blessed by the people surrounding me and live my life to the fullest!

With all my love and respect,

Your (happy) American problem child

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You always were a disappointment. I hope you and your milkshake are happy together.