Monday, December 31, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
A Day in the Head of a NY Tourist
I like bright lights. If I see a shiny bright light I make sure to stop immediately (even if it is in the middle of the street or sidewalk) and stare and point and the source of the light. I'm like a bug sucked into the zapper. I'm a tourist, I can't help it.
I LOVE revolving doors. We don't have these in Wisconsin. They are fun to spin round and round. It's funny to see how many people can fit in one section of a revolving door and make it move. I know this blocks other people from using the entire doorway, but it's just too much fun! I like it so much I usually come to a dead stop in the middle of the revolving door and pose for pictures. I find it so funny that I end up falling out of the doorway to the ground laughing. Now I have blocked the doorway AND the street because it is THAT funny! I bet New Yorkers get a kick out of this!
I look for celebrities all day! I know they are here somewhere!
I like my map. I got it at Duane Reade and it sooo big! I can only read my map when I'm standing completely still in the middle of the sidewalk with my map stretched out it is full size. Even then, if I have problems, I wait till someone accidentally makes eye contact with me then I will ask them for directions to Toys R Us.
OMG NYPD!!!! You think they will take a picture with us?! I wish I had my pink NYPD beanie I bought yesterday!!! That would be soooo kewl!!! Look, he let me wear his hat instead! Facebook profile pic!!!!
(Above: 3 of 3 million girls that pose with a NYPD officer daily)
I like waiting in lines because I get to chat with other strangers! I like to tell them where I'm from and everything we did that day. I mean we are ALL tourist! New York city is like Disney World, everyone comes to have a good time, but no one actually lives here!
Lets get a family pic in the middle of Times Square! Who will take the picture for us? Look for someone that looks nice so they won't steal our camera.
I can't believe they have an Olive Garden here!!! Who needs Little Italy when you can get all the soup, salad and bread sticks you want for $6.99! Let's wait in line for hours so its like we never left Kansas!
I'm scared of gangs in New York. I strap my money belt tight for fear that someone will rob me. And I try not to make eye contact with anyone on the subways or streets. They probably have a gun and will shoot me if I look at them.
I feel sorry for homeless people. I give them all money because that's the right thing to do. Can you believe all the kids that homeless man said he had living under the Brooklyn Bridge? Good thing we have him a $20!
Man, I don't know how people live in this city? I mean, I would go crazy here. All the people, lights, noise, gangsters! It's a fun place to visit, but I could never live in New York. The entire city is one big Times Square.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Homeless People that Make Me Smile
Friday I did everything possible to avoid a homeless man on the street. Cell phone to ear and juggling a grande coffee and ipod in the other hand, I was deep in convo on the phone while running to catch the 6 train. I passed a homeless man on the street and I noticed his eyes follow me before he jumped up to started screaming, "BRITNEY....BRITNEY SPEARS." I was followed for two blocks by this homeless man shouting, "Britney Spears," at me the entire time.
I didn't correct the dirty old homeless man, I figured I would let him enjoy his few blocks of fame before he returned to an everyday drunken man.
I think I now like homeless people. Even if they serve no other purpose, at least they keep me smiling.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Just another day at the office
I would not want to look down if I were him.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Saturday, November 17, 2007
New York Super Hero
Why the sad face Robin? Are you still upset with Mr. Freeze? Is Batman bragging about his Batmobile again? Buck up little soldier, your day will come soon. One day Batman's fancy bat suit won't fit him, and I'm confidant you will find a girl that is not poisonous. New York is a big city and I'm sure the perfect heroine is just around the corner!
Friday, November 16, 2007
My Personal Space
I studied him the entire subway ride. Clearly I don’t know his story at all..and I could be completely wrong about him. But he reminded me of the stories of the African men that move to the states having nothing and struggle to adjust to American culture on no funds.
A young woman (prob my age) was sitting next to him. She had fancy brown tall boots on and a beautiful pink pea coat. Her hair was pulled back in a neat pony tail and had a Starbucks in one had and her ipod in the other. She was your typical New Yorker.
It was amazing comparing these two. They sat right next to each other on the subway, practically touching, and I can’t even imagine how different their lives are.
My heart ached for this young man as I watched him soak in the scene. Again, I have no idea if my assumptions are right. But he was clearly trying his hardest to look professional. He obviously had nothing, yet was out with his resume doing everything possible to look the part and work.
Usually my subway ride is filled with young business professionals reading the Wall Street Journal, kids in school uniforms with backpacks on wheels, and homeless men passed out and sleeping in their own urine.
I’m use to this scene and as a New Yorker, I have learned to stay in my personal space and remain unphased and untouched by the people and things that surround me day to day.
Maybe I should rethink my personal space…
Friday, November 9, 2007
Monday, November 5, 2007
Dog of the Week
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
Oh my god...
He was using a newspaper as a mat as he knelt and prayed. He was clearly Muslim and it was his daily time to pray. He was just outside Bloomingdale's, kneeling, praying, kissing the ground, then would repeat the process. He was totally and fully engaged in his time of worship and nothing affected him during this time of meditation. Tourist walked around him and stared. They looked at him like he was insane for worshiping his god in public. I saw the same look in their eyes that I give to crazy homeless people that invade my personal space. It's the scared, you're gross, don't touch me I don't want to catch your disease, look.
This man's actions touched my heart. I can't remember the last time I saw someone drop what they were doing and worship openly in public because they felt it was the right thing to do. This man didn't care what people thought about him, or that he only had a newspaper to pray on, or that he was knelling next to a dirty hot dog stand. He wasn't obnoxious, loud, or insensitive to the people around him, he simply wanted quality time with his god and nothing was going to stand in his way.
It was stimulating to see someone passionate about his beliefs in the middle of a hectic city. I'm sure people could argue all day that his beliefs are false and his actions are a waste of time. But above all else, he is passionate. He is doing what he believes in by loving his god. He has dropped everything worldly and stopped to acknowledge what is important to him.
I turned my iPod off and pulled out my ear phones. I hung up the phone realizing I could be late for brunch. I leaned against Bloomingdale's still in my football jersey and soaked in the scene.
The man finished praying, kissed the ground one last time then stood and turned back to his hot dog stand.
I continued to watch him; admiring the man that made me re-evaluate my "busy day."
That's why I love this city. Just when you think you have your life together, a hot dog vender will set you straight.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Bathroom Art
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Times Square Crazy of the Day
Crazy is a strong word for this fella. Simplistically practical is what this man is. Why need a fancy prosthetic leg when an orange traffic cone does the trick?! The cone doesn't really match his sailor hat, but it is free and the durable orange plastic is guaranteed to last a good 20 blocks (not to mention the fabulous reflectors on the sides that will be a valuable source of safety).
Bravo my friend! Way to be resourceful!
Monday, October 8, 2007
Homeless People that make me Smile
Thank you! Thank you for all your hard work city wide.
Napkins, straw wrappers, cups and candy wrappers world wide are cheering for ya!
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Sleepy City
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
Homeless People that make me Smile
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Dog of the Week
Looks like another sad story of a young boy who has turned to the streets. A sad scene known all too well on the lonely streets of NYC: obedience class drop out, hung out with the wrong muts and got stuck on a long road of drugs, alcohol and prostitution. It's now just him, the clothes on his back, and his dog bowl. Have a heart and drop a buck or a biscuit for Hunter.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Times Square Crazy of the Day
You will have to take my word on this. This jolly man stood in the middle of Broadway with a hat made of feathers and did bird calls. Fortunately, traffic had stopped for a red light, so he was able to take up the entire street with calling all birds in the metropolitan area. He had huge colorful peacock feathers that stuck up in the air. His free hand cupped his mouth as he showed off his best bird call that would put Alabama turkey hunters to shame. I watched mothers grab their kids and pull them far away from the scene. I got excited and grabbed my cell phone! I snapped a picture a little late while he was just finishing his calls.
With my camera mid shot, an elderly business man next to me laughed and said, "you must not be from here." I looked over my shoulder and smiled, "Actually, I do live here. I just like taking pictures of crazy people on my lunch break."
He laughed hard then when he finally caught his breathe said, "I can't believe you haven't run out of film!"
New pic of our feathered friend! Yes, he is still flying around the city!
Friday, September 14, 2007
Times Square Crazy of the Day
Not sure what point they were trying to make, but it made me smile.
Hudson river is the other way buddy...
Of course I snapped pictures, otherwise people wouldn't believe me. Can't make this stuff up folks! This is quality Times Square crazy people!!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Dog of the Week
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Who says grown men aren't children at heart??? This man proves that he is just a fun loving 13 year old girl inside. He and his friend had a serious baton twirling practice session. This wasn't for tips folks, this was the real deal.
As we were admiring our boys new found love of baton twirling, we suddenly found something much better (believe it or not) in the distance. Just a few yards in front of us was a real life re-enactment of Star Trek. Right between the dog park and the chess tables, an "instructor" was giving sword fighting lessons. Where do people like this coming from?? I couldn't help but snap a few pictures. Let's just hope the baton men and the sword fighters don't decide to join forces....that could get ugly!
Although it was hard, we had to keep moving through the park. Within seconds we had found our next target. Now everyone can appreciate a good pianist, but this man brought his entire piano to the park. He tilted his head back and belted tunes through the park and his fingers vigorously punched on the keys. He was pretty good and I definitely had to appreciate his effort to lug that piano around town.
I love this park. I love the old people dancing to the jazz band in one corner while couples relax in the grass. I love the hippie NYU students painting and writing poetry in the center while kids run around eating Magnolia Bakery cupcakes. This park is the heart strings of New York City. Not all strings are pretty or even normal, but they play a vital part to keep this crazy city alive and kicking.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
New York Cares
- I don't like homeless people
- I don't care for old people
- I hate AIDS
- I like animals, but I won't go to Harlem to walk them
- I'm not good at math, so SAT prep courses are out
I finally gave up and joined New York Young Republicans instead.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Dear American Dream
Dear American Dream-
Today is not that day.
Today my age changes to one year older. I know you disapprove of me overlooking my list yet another year and I hope I have not disappointed you as a citizen. I have reviewed your list at great extent and although I appreciate the steps, I have decided it is not for me.Not today.
Instead, today I will continue to be happy, healthy and loving life, but at my own pace.
Today I will keep working long, hard hours and enjoy the success at my career which I love. I will continue to act younger than my age, stay out too late, dance more, and laugh too loud. Today I probably won’t go on a date, but I will go on a long walk with a dear friend. I will skip lunch today and save the calories for a late night milk shake with my roommate. I will walk home instead of taking the subway so I can soak in this beautiful city I live in and smile at the characters I pass on the street. Today I will finally tip the old woman under the bridge that sings hymns loud enough to echo through the park. I will sit by myself at a cafĂ© and do nothing but enjoy my cup of coffee. I will listen more, remember more faces and be more observant. I will buy fresh flowers today and actually make time for the friend I have been putting off. I will watch less TV and replace it with knitting, cooking and reading. I will act like a tourist and take lots of pictures as I stroll through a new museum. I will go on a longer jog and show off my curvy figure in an expensive dress I worked hard for.
With all my love and respect,
Your (happy) American problem child
Monday, August 6, 2007
Morning dip
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Cupcake Kid
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Rockin' Baby
Monday, June 18, 2007
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Dogs of the Week
Saturday, June 16, 2007
A Homeless City
I just don't. I'm not going to apologize for it. I know its wrong and I should love and care for others, but one of my weaknesses is loving the homeless. I don't want to get close to them because I feel most of them suffer from mental illness that I don't want to get involved with. I also feel a portion of them choose to live that way. Homeless people scare me. I have never given them money and when I walk past them, I avoid eye contact at all cost. I have only given food to a homeless person one time and that was only because I knew if I didn't give it away I would eat it and I didn't want the added calories.
I'm not saying I'm right; I am just explaining why I feel this way. I do give money to my Church's homeless organization and I belong to a knitting club that knits scarves for the homeless. Those are the small things I do to contribute from a distance.
In the City, you get to "know" the homeless people you pass every day. I know that if I pass Grand Central Station on the east side of the street I will pass a larger woman wearing a long skirt and a baggy t-shirt asking for, "a quarter for a burger," outside the Wendys.
I know in east midtown, on Park avenue I will see the "luggage guy", who stands all day with his boxes wrapped in colored duct tape. He is probably one of the cleaner homeless men. He usually has his hair cut and his gray beard is normally tamed. He is harmless and just stands with his boxes all day watching people pass. He has made handles for his boxes made of the tape. A couple times a year he will find new tape and re-wrap all his boxes. I often wonder what is in all the boxes and more importantly what he is waiting for.
I know every morning on 49th street between Madison and 5th, a homeless man with matted long hair and wearing green pants that are too big will be stumbling around outside the Au Bon Pain. He won't ask for money..he just stands and looks at the pastries through the window. I have seen people give him food from inside the deli but he usually stares at it like he doesn't understand what to do with it or why they gave it to him. Every now and then he will pass out or fall over on the side walk.
I know on 3rd avenue between 30th and 40th I will pass the "boom box homie" who is always pushing a shopping cart full of his "belongings." On the top of his bottles and boxes in his cart is a boom box that is always turned too loud and playing his favorite tunes that he likes to sing to at the top of his lungs. He pushes his cart and stops at every garbage can looking for bottles. He digs through the trash and sings and taps his foot to the beat. He may be crazy, but he is happy every time I see him.
I pass these homeless individuals on a bi-weekly basis. I know where they are and how to avoid them. And when I see them coming I hold my purse tight and look the other way.
They bother me and I feel If I don't make eye contact then I won't see the hurt in their eyes.
I don't want to see the hurt because I don't want to feel bad for doing nothing. Every day.
Today one of those "gross, disgusting, crazy homeless people" got my attention.
I have passed this homeless women about 5 times now. She is always around Union Square and she always has her old, gray boxer by her side. The women looks repulsive and unhealthy. She has sores all over her skin and is always bent over looking half a sleep or coked out. I want to look away the second I realize who she is. Except, her dog catches my eye.
Today I couldn't look away. In a city that rarely takes time for the homeless, this women had someone that truly loved her. She was foul, ugly and probably a walking disease, however this ol' dog didn't care. The dog didn't care that people didn't like his owner. He didn't care that no one talked to them or fed them. To him, she is beautiful and loyal and he is proud of her. At one point the women got up and walked away. The dog followed. I snapped a few pictures because that's all I could do.
I leaned against a pole and watched this duo. Of course I didn't help; I just observed. I wonder why this dog loves her? I wish I understood this unconditional love he had for her. This blind, unrestricted, selfless devotion.
Her sign broke my heart. I can tell myself she is crazy everyday , but I can not deny that she was talking to me.
She is right. The truth does hurt.