Monday, December 24, 2007

Homeless People that Make Me Smile

Have you ever noticed that everything is funnier when it involves a homeless person? Seriously, I don't look twice at a regular man walking down the street eating a sandwich, but watch a homeless man walking down the street and eating a sandwich. I guarantee he will probably be stumbling, drooling and wearing a weird ensemble of clothing made solely of shopping bags, card board boxes and toilet paper. Homeless people are not that much different than every other New Yorker, they just live life on the streets with a little more humor.

Friday I did everything possible to avoid a homeless man on the street. Cell phone to ear and juggling a grande coffee and ipod in the other hand, I was deep in convo on the phone while running to catch the 6 train. I passed a homeless man on the street and I noticed his eyes follow me before he jumped up to started screaming, "BRITNEY....BRITNEY SPEARS." I was followed for two blocks by this homeless man shouting, "Britney Spears," at me the entire time.
I didn't correct the dirty old homeless man, I figured I would let him enjoy his few blocks of fame before he returned to an everyday drunken man.

I think I now like homeless people. Even if they serve no other purpose, at least they keep me smiling.

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